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Doing Less

Writer's picture: inbalancepilatesinbalancepilates

How often is it that we get snow that lasts all day and allows us to spend time outside, without bashing ourselves over the head with the guilt stick?

It's been a good excuse to just be in the snow and enjoy it. Not to be doing something. Tidy the house, do reading, getting through that endless to do list.

The snow was a lovely respite because last week I was feeling guilty. Guilt at not doing enough. Guilt at not doing what I thought I 'should' be doing. And I was really tired. Like that horrible bone tired where getting through the day feels hard enough.

So this week I'm focussing on doing less. Which I find really hard to do. I'm one of those people who feels guilty if they sit down and thinks that they shouldn't be resting or reading a book (how decadent) until everything is done.

Except its never going to be done. There'll always be something to do. And the world won't implode if we don't do it immediately. Because at the moment its so important to take care of ourselves first.

You may have no time on your hands at the moment if you're juggling home schooling and possibly work at the moment or you may have loads and not know what to do with it. So be kind to yourself, do less, do things that you love more and move your body. Because you'll always feel better afterwards.

This week's workout added to the In Balance Studio is all about pausing and getting to know yourself better (Flow with Breath - 25 minutes) as is this week's Exercise of the Week (in our newsletter) and our short workout on social media.

This week I'm giving you (and myself) permission to do less and go slow. You don't need my permission but sometimes we need someone to say its ok before we allow ourselves to let go.

You're doing the best you can and at the moment you need to put yourself first. And that's definitely ok.

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