Hey Lovely Lady, Let's Chat About Your Pelvic Floor!
One of the mums in my "Mums-to-Be" class asked about the pelvic floor today. Brilliant question! Let's have a look at this super important but often overlooked part of our bodies.
What's All This About the Pelvic Floor, Then?
Think of your pelvic floor as a hammock of muscles that run from your pubic bone to your tailbone, supporting your bladder, womb, and bowel and reach at the sides to your sitting bones (the bony bits in your bum). When they're strong, it's your secret weapon against those "oops" moments (you know, when you laugh too hard or sneeze unexpectedly). Plus, it can even spice things up in the bedroom by boosting sensitivity.
Did you know? Both men and women have a pelvic floor... yep it's not just relevant to girls.

(Picture courtesy of The Pelvic Clinic)
When you engage your pelvic floor you want to feel a lift internally and you may feel some lower tummy engagement (think just below your belly button) too which is absolutely fine. Make sure that you're not holding your breath, clenching or tucking your bum under!
How to Wake Up Your Pelvic Floor
Ready to give your pelvic floor a little workout? Here's how:
Sit tall and think about stacking the 3 areas of weight in your body - head on top of ribcage on top of pelvis - this ensures you're in a good posture.
Now, imagine you're trying to stop yourself going for a wee or passing wind, you may feel a tightening or closing around your front (urethra), middle (vagina) or back passage (anus). Think about drawing or zipping these towards each other (pubic bone to tailbone or tailbone to pubic bone) and you may feel a little lift up inside. (I like to think about the pelvic floor like an elevator).
Think about zipping up from back to front (or vice versa), sitting bone to sitting bone. Imagine your pelvic floor as a lift, closing its doors and rising gently inside.
Hold for up to 10 seconds (don't forget to breathe!), then relax completely. As you release let the muscles relax completely and the 'doors' open at the bottom - think sitting bones widen, you may feel a stretch in the pelvic floor.
Repeat up to 10 times. That's one set. Aim for 3 sets a day in different positions when you can. Lying on your back is easiest, once you have the hang of it you can try lying on your side, lying on your stomach, all fours, seated, high kneeling, standing and then with movement. Each change in position makes it more challenging on the pelvic floor.
Need more tips on how to engage your pelvic floor or do it in real time?
Level Up Your Pelvic Floor Game
Once you've got the basics down, try these variations:
The Endurance Builder: Inhale to prepare, exhale and engage your pelvic floor, inhale and slowly release slightly. Repeat up to 10 times, 3 sets.
The Power Move: Quick lifts and releases. Inhale to prepare, exhale and draw your pelvic floor muscles in and up (think squeeze and lift), inhale release. This time we're not holding the contraction but lifting and letting go quickly so it's a lift release, lift release. Do10 reps, 3 sets.
Video of contracting the pelvic floor - need someone to walk you through it? Here you go! (suitable for all, not just pregnancy or post natal).(Exercises start from 3:02)
What Not to Do
You're engaging so hard that everything else kicks in and tightens! Your shoulders, your breath, your jaw... let everything release. It's just an internal feeling.
Your bum tucks under or clenches - try and stay lengthened in the spine and pelvis in neutral. (Remember those 3 areas of weight? Pelvis, ribs, head on top).
You're holding your breath. The pelvic floor works with your diaphragm and needs breath to contract and release, try and breath normally. Read more about how to breathe effectively and how this affects the pelvic floor here.
Need More Help?
If you're having trouble feeling these muscles or want more guidance, don't hesitate to book a private session, join our Mamas & Minis class or drop me a message. I'm here to help you build that strong foundation.
And remember, if something doesn't feel quite right, it's always a good idea to have a chat with a Women's Health Physio. They're the pelvic floor experts.
So there you have it! A little love for your pelvic floor goes a long way. Your body's done amazing things – let's keep it feeling strong and confident!